About Civil Discourse
Polarization levels in the United States are at record highs. According to the Pew Research Center, Democrats and Republicans are father apart ideologically today than at any time in the past 50 years. Moreover, the number of Americans who have shifted away from the center has more than doubled in each direction. A study from Brown University found that the U.S. is polarizing faster than other democracies in the world. This is a serious matter that Baylor is well positioned to address, potentially becoming a role model for others to follow. Within these moments of discord, we remain committed to being a caring community that engages with the highest standard of humility, self-control, and love as taught and modeled by Jesus Christ. Let us be “quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry” (James 1:19).
A distinct component of a Baylor education is the development of vital skills necessary to effectively lead and serve in complex, diverse—and sometimes polarized—environments. Toward this, we emphasize the importance of participating in civil discourse with a bridgebuilding mindset through related initiatives. At Baylor, civil discourse is the practice of relationally deliberating on matters of significant concern in ways that aim to expand knowledge and promote mutual understanding. Bridgebuilding is the work done to intentionally bring people from diverse identities and divergent ideologies to engage in civil discourse in ways centered on dignity, openness, and honesty, demonstrating respect and value for others to foster interdependent relationships in pursuit of a shared common good for all.
Beyond politics, there are a myriad of socially compelling issues that divide society. This reality offers us an opportunity to build bridges of understanding, addressing topics in healthy and constructive ways, positively impacting campus climate at Baylor. On top of a commitment by our student organizations to lead with civility, our civil discourse programming equips students with the skills and virtues needed to lead well in a complex world.
Our Programs
There are two main programs we utilize to equip our community to engage in civil discourse at Baylor: (1) Bridging the Gap and the Bridgebuilding Fellows program and (2) the Public Deliberation Initiative.